Every now and then a new blog comes along that
you just know instantly is going to be a favorite.
Crazy Domestic is a new blog launching today from the
mastermind behind the already awesome Somewhat Simple.

Steph will offer "all things 'Home Related' - decor, dining,
organization, cleaning routines, etc." to readers hoping for
some domestic assistance -- like yours truly.
She'll also have a monthly linky party...how fun!
As well as a monthly workshop that will focus on
tips and ideas surrounding a certain topic. June's
workshop is "Let's Eat" for meal planning and organizing.
Man, do I need this workshop -- just ask Miss E!
In addition to stirring up some excitement and anticipation
here in blog land, Steph is also offering some awesome
door prizes for her big reveal of the new site.
Hop on over to Crazy Domestic's inaugural post to enter
for your chances to win, become a follower, and grab
a button. This is a blog to watch, so jump on board now!
This is such a nice post! Thanks for the excitement!!!