Thursday, September 16, 2010

When Your GOOD Day Isn't

I find myself not wanting to post
on days when things aren't GOOD.

This blog is, in fact, called
"It's a GOOD Day."

Who wants to read about
the days I'm sick.
or frustrated.
or grumpy.
or disappointed.
or overwhelmed.
or tired...etc.

But today, while reading a
lovely yet very difficult post
from my friend Heather,
I realized something profound.

While it can certainly be my intention
to bring GOOD things to your attention,
share GOOD ideas and tips and fun things,
the common threads we all have
are both GOOD and the BAD.

I'm a firm believer that life grows
in the most profound ways while
we're in the valleys.

By neglecting to post my life
for what it is: HARD
(just like yours, no doubt),
I'm not only letting you think
I am capable of discovering GOOD
in every day (so much harder some days),
I'm also not giving you the chance
to bless me and other readers when we need it.
With your prayers, encouragement
and friendships.

Isn't that what it's all about?

So, from now on, I might be sharing
more of the "real" me.

What's going on.

How I'm struggling to
find GOOD some days.

How GOOD has surprised me.
Picked me up.

I hope you'll do the same.

But today, do me a favor and
visit Heather. Say a prayer.
Leave her some love today.


  1. here is somthing i learded in a speech class i took. at the end of teh day sit down and write one good thing that happened, one bad thing that happened, and something you learned. it will help you look more to the lession from that day and how the bad thing of the day helped you try to find a good thing

  2. this is such a great post teresa!! i think your absolutely right. sharing our lives includes the good and the bad, because we're human, and that makes it so much easier to relate and grow together.
    thank you so much for the kind words. you really are wonderful!
